In-Line Press - Wide-Web Flexographic Printing Presses 2013-11-05
The in-line press is the third commonly used type of wide-web press. Its color stations are separate, complete units horizontally mounted one to the other, and may be driven by a common line-shaft. In-line presses can be manufactured with any number …
The Central Impression Press - Wide-Web Flexographic Printing Presses 2013-11-04
The central impression press, sometimes called a drum, common impression or CI press, supports all of its color stations around a single steel impression cylinder mounted in the main press frame, Figure 4-7. The impression cylinder supports the web, …
The Stack Press - Wide-Web Flexographic Printing Presses 2013-11-03
In the stack press (Figure 4-6), individual color stations (sometimes called sections or decks) are stacked one over the both sides of a main press frame. Each color station is driven through gear trains supported by the main press frame. Stack press…
Types of Gravure Folders - Web-fed gravure folders 2013-11-02
The U.S. population of gravure presses has undergone substantial expansion and rebuilding in recent years. Nonetheless, there are still many different folder configurations in use. The following section describes the types of folders used in the indu…
Essential folding Terminology - Web-fed gravure folders 2013-11-01
Signatures. A complete sheet containing all the artwork for a cylinder is called a signature. By examining or taking apart a magazine or book, it is often possible to see how it was assembled from individual signatures. A folded signature, depending …
Other Gravure Presses - The Gravure Press and Its Components 2013-10-31
Sheetfed Gravure. Although almost all gravure production is on web presses, sheetfed gravure presses still exist. Sheetfed gravure is used for proofing; for printing jobs which must be printed on paper available only as sheet; for fine art reproduc…
Packaging Gravure Presses - The Gravure Press and Its Components 2013-10-30
Gravure packaging and product presses are divided into two distinct groups for light weight versus heavy weight substrates. Typical products for light weight substrates include but are not limited to flexible packaging, gift wraps, paper and foil lab…
Gravure Publication Presses - The Gravure Press and Its Components 2013-10-29
Publication presses are designed for high speed printing high quality color publications. Typical products include magazine, Sunday newspaper magazines, catalogs, newspaper inserts, and advertising printing. The product requirements of publication gr…
Typical Press Configurations - The Gravure Press and Its Components 2013-10-28
Every gravure press is a custom-buit machine, designed and engineered for a specific range of products. A packaging press producing 26-inch-wide labels is identical in principle to a floor covering press printing 15--foot-wide vinyl floor coverings. …
Generic gravure printing unit - The Gravure Press and Its Components 2013-10-26
All web-fed gravure presses start from an unwinder, which serves the purpose of unwinding a roll of substrate, deeping, keeping adequate tension on the web. The printing unit, figure 4-1, the heart of the gravure press, consists of the following comp…
Densitometric Color and Image Analysis - Offset Print Quality Control 2013-10-25
Solid ink film measurement. To maintain image quality during the pressrun, the operator is concerned with the ink film thickness being printed on the paper. When ink films are too thin, the images will appear to be washed out. When ink films are prin…
Densitometry - Offset Print Quality Control 2013-10-23
Densitometry, colorimetry, and spectrophotometry are the three methods used to measure color in the graphic arts. The densitometer measures optical density. It is essentially colorblind, measuring only the level of reflectance of the transmittance of…
Dampening Solution Ingredients 2013-10-22
Dampening solutions are usually sold as concentrated solutions that are diluted with water to the proper concentration. In concentrated from, it is commonly referred to as fountain concentrate, fountain etch, or just etch. Most one-step concentrates …
Basic Functions of Dampening Solution 2013-10-21
The primary function of solution is to desensitize the nonimage areas of the printing plate to ink. A surface that is "desensitized to ink" is a surface that ink will not adhere to. An area sensitized to ink will accept ink readily. The dampening s…
Ink Film Thickness 2013-10-20
The thickness of the ink film on the rollers is a very important consideration in printing. Typical ink film thickness on a lithographic press is 0.2~0.4 mils (0.0002~0.0004 in., or 0.005~0.010 mm), depending on the ink color and printing sequence. T…
Design Principles of Inking Systems 2013-10-19
A few important design principles are built into the inking system. Each of these helps to optimize the efficiency of the inking system for depositing an even film of ink across the entire plate image.Length of ink train. The number of rollers and th…
Inking Systems for Waterless Lithography 2013-10-18
Waterless lithography requires a printing press that is equipped with a temperature control system, Figure 3-8. Two types of press temperature control systems are used: an ink oscillator cooling system and a plate cylinder cooling system. With the in…
The Typical Inking System 2013-10-17
The inking system, or inker, of most large sheetfed presses in Figure 3-7 usually has at least ten rollers and consists of the following parts: . Ink fountain - a pan that contains the ink supply.. Ductor or ductor roller - a transfer roller that alt…
Inking System Functions 2013-10-16
The inking system of an offset press serves five important functions: (1) ink milling, (2) varying ink input across the system, (3) storing ink for consistent ink film thickness, (4) dampening control, and (5) keeping the plate clean. Ink milling. Th…
Small Offset Presses 2013-10-15
Generally, any press smaller than 11 x 17in. (279 x 432mm) without bearers (hardened metal tings attached to the ends of the cylinder or to the cylinder's journal) is called a small offset press or, more often, a duplicator, Figure 3-6. Duplicators …