Printing Knowledge
Printing Knowledge

Digital Workflow Would Become the Mainstream of Development in Printing

a. Speedy development of digital processing and internet information exchange

All-digital workflows are on their way. They will soon replace the traditional analogue imaging and desktop processing system. With all-digital workflows, you would experience highly resoluted and reliable digital performance in graphical processing, proofing, out put,and transfer. It will also enable no-film involved Computer-to-Plate system to take the lead. Multi-media documental output is no longer a dream anymore. Prepress production line has becoming more integrated, professional and diversified. The main development trends of application software are openness, cross-platform functions,intelligence and standardization of documentation format.

On one hand, application of new technology has blurred the existing division of labor. All the traditional work processes related to printing plate production can now be gathered together in one single place. On the other hand, there are rising needs for customization and increasing demands for creativity in design. Design production, plate production and printing are running into 3 separate streams of development in printing industry. In one extreme it is the monopoly of a few big corporations. And there will there will be a flock of small enterprises in the other extreme. Not much room would be left for medium enterprises.

The implementation of digital workflow is the irresistible trend of development in printing industry. Maturing printing technologies such as copy dot scanning, digital proofing, computer-to-plate, and digital workflow gradually remove the obstacles to the implementation of digital technologies. Advanced output technology, together with intelligentization of digital workflow management will also improve the efficiency of digital printing operation.

b. Prerequisites to the widespread adoption of digital workflow

1. Common use of highly accurate and functional digital camera, color scanner and intelligent color proofing software.
2. Promotion of computer-to-plate machines and digital proofing technology.
3. Strengthen the application of software, especially those intelligent softwares that may promote automation and production efficiency.
4. Highly compressed data transfer, multi-media record output, new international documentation formatting, standardization of data processing and transmission technology should be universally applied.

The focus of the implementation of all-digital workflow lies on the development of prepress technology.

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