Printing Knowledge
Printing Knowledge

What to look for on a printing proof?

A "proof" is a preview of your press-ready file, allowing you to examine and confirm layout, text and content before your order goes to press.

We rely on your thorough inspection of the proof to detect and correct errors, the review of this proof will be the last opportunity to catch errors before the job goes on press.
Orders will not go to press until we receive your proof approval.
Online & hard proof options are available. When will my proofs be ready Proofs are usually available 1-2 days after the order is placed.
Almost all files we receive have some issues therefore delaying the proof completion time.
Proofing Guide Here are some tips and guidelines to help you in finding potential errors in your file before it goes to press:
Check proofs for accuracy against laser prints and mock-ups: Are all pages included in the proof?
Are the pages in the proper order & page numbers correct?
Are all images/photos included and in proper placement?
Measure the final trim size and check folds for accuracy.
Check for image quality and color accuracy:
Check every photo to be sure it is positioned, scaled, and cropped correctly. Are all photos facing the proper direction?
Do photos & graphics have good contrast?
Check color placement & color consistency throughout the pages. If you have received a color accurate proof, are the colors correct?
Check general accuracy of fonts, bleeds, and crossovers: Are all fonts correct?
Is the text crisp & spaced properly?
Are the margins & page alignment(s) correct?
Are there any missing characters or broken type?
Verify that bleeds extend beyond the trim marks. 
Are there any last minute corrections to the copy?
If so, now is the time to make booklet printing and catalog printing.

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